About us

We Are Your Favourite Store.

Dreck Shop sells digital goods for gamers. Our platform is the fastest growing online game digital trading and services platform in Bangladesh.

You can buy any games, gift cards, game top up, Software licence, subscriptions and various items for PC, Playstation, XBOX and Nintendo from us at a cheap and reliable price.

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Some of your questions answered here.

If you have a problem understanding something or want to know something, please contact us.

আপনাদের প্রোডাক্টের ব্যাপারে কিছু প্রশ্ন জানতে চাই?

অবশ্যই আমাদের প্রোডাক্ট এর ব্যাপারে কোন প্রশ্ন জানতে চাইলে FAQ এই খানে যান।

কিভাবে অর্ডার করব?

কিভাবে আমাদের থেকে কোন কিছু অর্ডার করবেন তার জন্য আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে ভিজিট করুন :https://youtube.com/@dreck-shop?si=I5CHsyx48RRa4puR

আপনারা কি বিশ্বাসযোগ্য?

অবশ্যই, ট্রাস্ট প্রবলেম থাকলে রিভিউ দেখুনঃ www.dreckshop.com

Facebook পেজ চেক করুনঃ https://www.facebook.com/BD.Dreck.Shop/reviews

Facebook page :

Our Dreck Shop page is a video game sale page where you can buy any OTP subscription and software license and think you don't have a Visa card. Now you want to buy an item in a game but you can't buy it. You can buy any game items and many more from us with in game currency and lowest price and you. will get great customer feedback and quick delivery on our page.

Our Official Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/BD.Dreck.Shop

YouTube Channel:

If you want, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel. Because we make informational videos about all our products there.

Our Official YouTube Channel Link: https://youtube.com/@dreck-shop

Buy & Selling Community Group :

And we have the best and trusted community group in Bangladesh where people can sell or buy any item and at lowest price.

Our Official Group Link: https://facebook.com/groups/436905159292520/

Gaming Community Group :

Welcome to the most invincible community of Bangladesh Gaming. Then GDWOBC and Now GamersDreck World of Bangladesh Community, We're here to be brothers, discuss gaming ideas and experiences, make fun and pass the time in the best way we can in gaming.

Our Official Group Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gamersdreckworld

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